in passing
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
48 Moby Thesaurus words for "in passing":
a propos, along the way, amain, apace, apropos, apropos of,
as one goes, at once, by forced marches, by the by, by the way,
cursorily, en passant, en route, expeditiously, feverishly,
for example, furiously, hand over fist, hastily, helter-skelter,
hotfoot, hurriedly, hurry-scurry, immediately, in mid-progress,
in transit, in transitu, incidentally, instantly, on the road,
on the run, on the way, on the wing, par exemple, parenthetically,
pell-mell, promptly, quickly, slapdash, speaking of, speedily,
superficially, swiftly, with a rush, with all haste, with dispatch,
with haste
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