on the run

from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
57 Moby Thesaurus words for "on the run":
      amain, apace, astir, at it, at once, at work, busy,
      by forced marches, cursorily, employed, en route, engaged,
      expeditiously, feverishly, full of business, furiously,
      hand over fist, hard at it, hard at work, hastily, helter-skelter,
      hotfoot, hurriedly, hurry-scurry, immediately, in harness,
      in motion, in passing, in transit, instantly, occupied, on duty,
      on the bum, on the gad, on the go, on the hop, on the job,
      on the jump, on the move, on the road, on the tramp, on the wing,
      pell-mell, promptly, quickly, slapdash, speedily, superficially,
      swiftly, tied up, under sail, under way, with a rush,
      with all haste, with dispatch, with haste, working


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