
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adv 1: with the head foremost; "the runner slid headlong into
           third base" [syn: {headlong}, {headfirst}]
    2: at breakneck speed; "burst headlong through the gate" [syn:
       {headlong}, {precipitately}]
    3: in a hasty and foolhardy manner; "he fell headlong in love
       with his cousin" [syn: {headlong}, {rashly}]
    adj 1: excessively quick; "made a hasty exit"; "a headlong rush
           to sell" [syn: {hasty}, {headlong}]
    2: with the head foremost; "a headfirst plunge down the stairs";
       "a headlong dive into the pool" [syn: {headfirst},
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Headlong \Head"long\, a.
   1. Rash; precipitate; as, headlong folly.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. Steep; precipitous. [Poetic]
      [1913 Webster]

            Like a tower upon a headlong rock.    --Byron.
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Headlong \Head"long`\ (-l[o^]ng`; 115), adv. [OE. hedling,
   hevedlynge; prob. confused with E. long, a. & adv.]
   [1913 Webster]
   1. With the head foremost; headforemost; head first; as, to
      fall headlong. --Acts i. 18.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. Rashly; precipitately; without deliberation.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. Hastily; without delay or respite.
      [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
117 Moby Thesaurus words for "headlong":
      a corps perdu, abrupt, abruptly, accident-prone, agile, bluff,
      bold, breakneck, breathless, careless, carelessly, daredevil,
      daring, dashing, desperate, desperately, devil-may-care,
      double-quick, eagle-winged, electrifying, expeditious, express,
      fast, fleet, flying, foolhardy, furious, furiously, galloping,
      hair-trigger, happen what may, harum-scarum, hastily, hasty,
      head over heels, headfirst, headforemost, heedlessly,
      heels over head, helter-skelter, holus-bolus, hotheaded,
      hotheadedly, hurried, hurriedly, hurry-scurry, hustling, impatient,
      impetuous, impetuously, impulsive, impulsively, light of heel,
      light-footed, like crazy, like mad, lively, mad, madly, mercurial,
      nerve-shattering, nimble, nimble-footed, overeager, overeagerly,
      overenthusiastic, overenthusiastically, overhasty, overzealous,
      overzealously, panting, plunging, precipitant, precipitantly,
      precipitate, precipitately, precipitous, precipitously, prompt,
      quick, quick as lightning, quick as thought, quickly,
      ramble-scramble, rapid, rash, rashly, reckless, recklessly,
      running, rushing, sharp, sheer, shocking, slam-bang, slap-bang,
      slapdash, snappy, spanking, speedy, startling, steep, sudden,
      suddenly, surprising, swift, unanticipated, unexpected, unforeseen,
      unlooked-for, unpredicted, vertical, wanton, wantonly, wild,
      wildly, winged


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