
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    n 1: (geology) the erosion of soil as a consequence of sand and
         dust and loose rocks being removed by the wind; "a constant
         deflation of the desert landscape"
    2: a contraction of economic activity resulting in a decline of
       prices [ant: {disinflation}, {inflation}, {rising prices}]
    3: the act of letting the air out of something [ant:
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
deflation \deflation\ n.
   1. the act or process of deflating.

   2. a fall in the average prices of goods and services; --
      usually associated with contraction of economic activity.
      Opposite of {inflation}. Compare {disinflation}.

   3. the reduction of available credit or a contraction of
      economic activity resulting from or associated with a
      decline of prices.
      [WordNet 1.5]

   4. the act of letting the air out of something.
      [WordNet 1.5]

   5. (Geol.) the erosion of land structures such as sand or
      soil due to the action of wind. --RHUD
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
83 Moby Thesaurus words for "deflation":
      abasement, abatement, abridgment, alleviation, attenuation, break,
      breakdown, cave-in, cheapening, collapse, comedown, contraction,
      crash, cropper, cut, dampening, damping, debasement, decline,
      decrease, decrement, decrescence, deduction, depreciation,
      depression, descent, devaluation, diminishment, diminution,
      disgrace, dive, downfall, dump, dying, dying off, embarrassment,
      extenuation, fade-out, fall, hangdog look, humbled pride,
      humiliation, implosion, languishment, lessening, letdown, letup,
      lowering, markdown, miniaturization, mitigation, mortification,
      nose dive, plummet, plummeting, plunge, pratfall, price cut,
      price fall, price reduction, prostration, put-down, reduction,
      relaxation, sag, sagging, scaling down, self-abasement,
      self-abnegation, self-diminishment, setdown, shame, shamefacedness,
      shamefastness, simplicity, slash, slump, smash, stumble,
      subtraction, tailspin, tumble, weakening


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