
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    n 1: tough protective covering of the woody stems and roots of
         trees and other woody plants
    2: a noise resembling the bark of a dog
    3: a sailing ship with 3 (or more) masts [syn: {bark}, {barque}]
    4: the sound made by a dog
    v 1: speak in an unfriendly tone; "She barked into the
    2: cover with bark
    3: remove the bark of a tree [syn: {bark}, {skin}]
    4: make barking sounds; "The dogs barked at the stranger"
    5: tan (a skin) with bark tannins
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Bark \Bark\, n.
   The short, loud, explosive sound uttered by a dog; a similar
   sound made by some other animals.
   [1913 Webster] Bark
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Bark \Bark\, Barque \Barque\, n. [F. barque, fr. Sp. or It.
   barca, fr. LL. barca for barica. See {Barge}.]
   [1913 Webster]
   1. Formerly, any small sailing vessel, as a pinnace, fishing
      smack, etc.; also, a rowing boat; a barge. Now applied
      poetically to a sailing vessel or boat of any kind.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. (Naut.) A three-masted vessel, having her foremast and
      mainmast square-rigged, and her mizzenmast
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Bark \Bark\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Barked} (?); p. pr. & vb. n.
   1. To strip the bark from; to peel.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. To abrade or rub off any outer covering from; as to bark
      one's heel.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. To girdle. See {Girdle}, v. t., 3.
      [1913 Webster]

   4. To cover or inclose with bark, or as with bark; as, to
      bark the roof of a hut.
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Bark \Bark\, v. i. [OE. berken, AS. beorcan; akin to Icel.
   berkja, and prob. to E. break.]
   1. To make a short, loud, explosive noise with the vocal
      organs; -- said of some animals, but especially of dogs.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. To make a clamor; to make importunate outcries.
      [1913 Webster]

            They bark, and say the Scripture maketh heretics.
      [1913 Webster]

            Where there is the barking of the belly, there no
            other commands will be heard, much less obeyed.
      [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
256 Moby Thesaurus words for "bark":
      ablate, abrade, abrase, advertise, animal noise, argosy, ballyhoo,
      bang, barking, battle cry, bawl, bay, bell, bellow, bill, birdcall,
      blare, blast, blat, blate, bleat, blemish, bloody, blubber, boat,
      boom, boost, bottom, bran, bray, break, breathe, bucket, build up,
      bulletin, burn, burst, buzz, cackle, call, capsule, case,
      caterwaul, chafe, chaff, chant, check, cheer, chip, chirp,
      circularize, clang, claw, coo, cork, corn shuck, cornhusk, cortex,
      crack, craft, craze, crow, cry, cry up, cut, decorticate, detonate,
      detonation, discharge, drawl, epicarp, erase, erode, establish,
      exclaim, excoriate, explode, explosion, file, flay, flute,
      fracture, fray, frazzle, fret, fulminate, fulmination, fusillade,
      gall, gash, gasp, give a write-up, give publicity, give tongue,
      give voice, gnaw, gnaw away, go off, grate, graze, grind, growl,
      grunt, gunshot, hail, halloo, hiss, holler, hollo, hooker, hoot,
      howl, howling, hulk, hull, hurrah, hurt, husk, incise, injure,
      jacket, keel, keen, lacerate, leviathan, lilt, low, maim,
      make mincemeat of, mating call, maul, meow, mew, mewl, miaow, moo,
      mumble, murmur, mutilate, mutter, neigh, nicker, note, packet,
      palea, pant, pare, peel, peeling, phellum, pierce, pipe, placard,
      plug, pod, pop, post, post bills, post up, press-agent, promote,
      publicize, puff, pule, puncture, rallying cry, rasp, raze, rend,
      rind, rip, roar, rub away, rub off, rub out, rumble, run, rupture,
      salvo, savage, scald, scalp, scorch, scotch, scour, scrape,
      scratch, screak, scream, screech, scrub, scuff, sell, shell, ship,
      shot, shout, shriek, shuck, sibilate, sigh, sing, skin, slash,
      slit, snap, snarl, snort, sob, spiel, sprain, squall, squawk,
      squeak, squeal, stab, stick, strain, stridulation, strip, tear,
      thunder, traumatize, troat, trumpet, tub, twang, ululate,
      ululation, vessel, volley, wail, war cry, war whoop, warble,
      watercraft, wear, wear away, whicker, whine, whinny, whisper,
      whoop, woodnote, wound, wrench, write up, yammer, yap, yawl, yawp,
      yell, yelp, yip, yo-ho, yowl


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