Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
WAREHOUSEMAN. A warehouseman is a person who receives goods and merchandise
to be stored in his warehouse for hire.
2. He is bound to use ordinary care in preserving such goods and
merchandise, and his neglect to do so will render him liable to the owner.
Peake, R. 114; 1 Esp. R. 315; Story, Bailm. Sec. 444; Jones' Bailm. 49, 96,
97; 7 Cowen's R. 497; 12 John. Rep. 232; 2 Wend. R. 593; 9 Wend. R. 268; 1
Stew. Rep. 284. The warehouseman's liability commences as soon as the goods
arrive, and the crane of the warehouse is applied to raise them into the
warehouse. 4 Esp. R. 262.