up to
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
68 Moby Thesaurus words for "up to":
Byzantine, Machiavellian, able, adequate, alert for, ample,
au fait, barely sufficient, before, calculating, capable,
collusive, commensurate, competent, connivent, conniving,
conspiring, contriving, corresponding, decent, designing, due,
effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient, enough, equal to,
fit, fitted, fitted for, good, good enough, in advance of,
intriguing, journeyman, loaded for, minimal, minimum, plenty,
plenty good enough, plotting, prepared for, prior to, productive,
proficient, proportionate, qualified, ready for, satisfactory,
scheming, stratagemical, substantial, sufficient, sufficient for,
sufficing, suitable, suited, till, to, until, unto, up for,
up to snuff, well-fitted, well-qualified, well-suited, worthy
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