WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: without scruples or principles; "unscrupulous politicos
who would be happy to sell...their country in order to
gain power" [ant: {scrupulous}]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
78 Moby Thesaurus words for "unscrupulous":
amoral, artful, conscienceless, corrupt, corrupted, crafty,
criminal, crooked, cunning, dark, deceitful, devious, dishonest,
dishonorable, disingenuous, doubtful, dubious, evasive, evil,
faithless, false, felonious, fishy, fraudulent, ill-got,
ill-gotten, immoral, improper, inaccurate, indirect, inexact,
insidious, knavish, mercenary, not kosher, perfidious,
questionable, roguish, rotten, scheming, shady, shameless, shifty,
sinister, slippery, sly, sneaky, stick-at-nothing, suspicious,
treacherous, tricky, unconscienced, unconscientious,
unconscionable, uncritical, underhand, underhanded, unethical,
unexacting, unfinical, unfussy, unmeticulous, unpainstaking,
unparticular, unprecise, unprincipled, unpunctilious, unpunctual,
unrigorous, unsavory, unseemly, unstraightforward, untrustworthy,
venal, wicked, without remorse, without shame, wrongful
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