The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
Unisys Corporation
<company> The company formed in 1984-5 when {Burroughs
Corporation} merged with {Sperry Corporation}. This was when
the phrase "{dinosaurs mating}" was coined.
Unisys is one of the largest providers of information
services, technology, and software in the world. They employ
about 49,000 people and do business in some 100 countries. In
1994 about 80 percent of revenue was derived from commercial
information systems and services, with the remainder coming
from electronic systems and services for the defense market.
The defense business was sold to {Loral} in early 1995.
Slightly more than half of Unisys's revenue is from business
in the United States.
They specialise in providing business-critical solutions,
based on open information networks, for organisations that
operate in transaction-intensive environments. These
organisations include financial services companies, airlines,
telecommunications companies, government agencies, and other
commercial enterprises.
In August 1994, quarterly sales were $1799M and profits $50M.