
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: being of or having to do with the northern United States
           and those loyal to the Union during the American Civil
           War; "Union soldiers"; "Federal forces"; "a Federal
           infantryman" [syn: {Union}, {Federal}]
    2: of trade unions; "the union movement"; "union negotiations";
       "a union-shop clause in the contract" [ant: {nonunion}]
    n 1: an organization of employees formed to bargain with the
         employer; "you have to join the union in order to get a
         job" [syn: {union}, {labor union}, {trade union}, {trades
         union}, {brotherhood}]
    2: the United States (especially the northern states during the
       American Civil War); "he has visited every state in the
       Union"; "Lee hoped to detach Maryland from the Union"; "the
       North's superior resources turned the scale" [syn: {Union},
    3: the act of pairing a male and female for reproductive
       purposes; "the casual couplings of adolescents"; "the mating
       of some species occurs only in the spring" [syn: {coupling},
       {mating}, {pairing}, {conjugation}, {union}, {sexual union}]
    4: the state of being joined or united or linked; "there is
       strength in union" [syn: {union}, {unification}] [ant:
    5: the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for
       life (or until divorce); "a long and happy marriage"; "God
       bless this union" [syn: {marriage}, {matrimony}, {union},
       {spousal relationship}, {wedlock}]
    6: healing process involving the growing together of the edges
       of a wound or the growing together of broken bones [syn:
       {union}, {conglutination}]
    7: a political unit formed from previously independent people or
       organizations; "the Soviet Union"
    8: a set containing all and only the members of two or more
       given sets; "let C be the union of the sets A and B" [syn:
       {union}, {sum}, {join}]
    9: the occurrence of a uniting of separate parts; "lightning
       produced an unusual union of the metals"
    10: a device on a national flag emblematic of the union of two
        or more sovereignties (typically in the upper inner corner)
    11: the act of making or becoming a single unit; "the union of
        opposing factions"; "he looked forward to the unification of
        his family for the holidays" [syn: {union}, {unification},
        {uniting}, {conjugation}, {jointure}] [ant: {disunion}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Union \Un"ion\ (?; 277), n. [F., from L. unio oneness, union, a
   single large pearl, a kind of onion, fr. unus one. See {One},
   and cf. {Onion}, {Unit}.]
   1. The act of uniting or joining two or more things into one,
      or the state of being united or joined; junction;
      coalition; combination.
      [1913 Webster]

   Note: Union differs from connection, as it implies that the
         bodies are in contact, without an inter?ening body;
         whereas things may be connected by the in???vention of
         a third body, as by a cord or chain.
         [1913 Webster]

   2. Agreement and conjunction of mind, spirit, will,
      affections, or the like; harmony; concord.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. That which is united, or made one; something formed by a
      combination or coalition of parts or members; a
      confederation; a consolidated body; a league; as, the
      weavers have formed a union; trades unions have become
      very numerous; the United States of America are often
      called the Union. --A. Hamilton.
      [1913 Webster]

   4. A textile fabric composed of two or more materials, as
      cotton, silk, wool, etc., woven together.
      [1913 Webster]

   5. A large, fine pearl. [Obs.]
      [1913 Webster]

            If they [pearls] be white, great, round, smooth, and
            weighty . . . our dainties and delicates here at
            Rome . . . call them unions, as a man would say
            "singular," and by themselves alone.  --Holland.
      [1913 Webster]

            In the cup an union shall he throw,
            Richer than that which four successive kings
            In Denmark's crown have worn.         --Shak.
      [1913 Webster]

   6. A device emblematic of union, used on a national flag or
      ensign, sometimes, as in the military standard of Great
      Britain, covering the whole field; sometimes, as in the
      flag of the United States, and the English naval and
      marine flag, occupying the upper inner corner, the rest of
      the flag being called the fly. Also, a flag having such a
      device; especially, the flag of Great Britain.
      [1913 Webster]

   Note: The union of the United States ensign is a cluster of
         white stars, denoting the union of the States, and,
         properly, equal in number to that of the States,
         displayed on a blue field; the fly being composed of
         alternate stripes of red and white. The union of the
         British ensign is the three crosses of St. George, St.
         Andrew, and St. Patrick in combination, denoting the
         union of England, Scotland and Ireland, displayed on a
         blue field in the national banner used on shore, on a
         red, white, or blue field in naval ensigns, and with a
         white border or fly in the merchant service.
         [1913 Webster]
         [1913 Webster]

   7. (Mach.) A joint or other connection uniting parts of
      machinery, or the like, as the elastic pipe of a tender
      connecting it with the feed pipe of a locomotive engine;
      especially, a pipe fitting for connecting pipes, or pipes
      and fittings, in such a way as to facilitate
      [1913 Webster]

   8. (Brewing) A cask suspended on trunnions, in which
      fermentation is carried on.
      [1913 Webster]

   {Hypostatic union} (Theol.) See under {Hypostatic}.

   {Latin union}. See under {Latin}.

   {Legislative Union} (Eng. Hist.), the union of Great Britain
      and Ireland, which took place Jan. 1, 1801.

   {Union}, or {Act of Union} (Eng. Hist.), the act by which
      Scotland was united to England, or by which the two
      kingdoms were incorporated into one, in 1707.

   {Union by the first intention}, or {Union by the second
   intention}. (Surg.) See {To heal by the first intention}, or
      {To heal by the second intention}, under {Intention}.

   {Union down} (Naut.), a signal of distress at sea made by
      reversing the flag, or turning its union downward.

   {Union jack}. (Naut.) See {Jack}, n., 10.

   {Union joint}. (Mech.)
      (a) A joint formed by means of a union.
      (b) A piece of pipe made in the form of the letter T.
          [1913 Webster]

   Syn: Unity; junction; connection; concord; alliance;
        coalition; combination; confederacy.

   Usage: {Union}, {Unity}. Union is the act of bringing two or
          more things together so as to make but one, or the
          state of being united into one. Unity is a state of
          simple oneness, either of essence, as the unity of
          God, or of action, feeling, etc., as unity of design,
          of affection, etc. Thus, we may speak of effecting a
          union of interests which shall result in a unity of
          labor and interest in securing a given object.
          [1913 Webster]

                One kingdom, joy, and union without end.
          [1913 Webster]

                [Man] is to . . . beget
                Like of his like, his image multiplied.
                In unity defective; which requires
                Collateral love, and dearest amity. --Milton.
          [1913 Webster]
from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)

   1. <set theory> An operation on two {sets} which returns the
   set of all elements that are a member of either or both of the
   argument sets; normally written as an infix upper-case U
   symbol.  The operator generalises to zero or more sets by
   taking the union of the current partial result (initially the
   empty set) with the next argument set, in any order.

   For example, (a, b, c) U (c, d, e) = (a, b, c, d, e)

   2. <programming> A {type} whose values may be of one of a
   number of other types, thet current type depending on
   conditions that are only known at {run-time}.  A {variable} of
   union type must be allocated sufficient storage space to hold
   the largest component type.  Some unions include extra
   information to say which type of value the union currently has
   (a "tagged union"), others rely on the program to keep track
   of this independently.

   A union contrasts with a {structure} or {record} which stores
   values of all component types at once.

   3. <database> An {SQL} {operator} that concatenates two result
   sets, that must have the same number and types of {columns}.
   The operator may be followed by the word "ALL" to indicate
   that results that appear in both sets should appear twice in
   the output.

from U.S. Gazetteer (1990)
Union, AL (town, FIPS 77616)
  Location: 32.99343 N, 87.90550 W
  Population (1990): 321 (120 housing units)
  Area: 2.1 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water)
Union, IA (city, FIPS 79545)
  Location: 42.24294 N, 93.06263 W
  Population (1990): 448 (223 housing units)
  Area: 1.4 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water)
  Zip code(s): 50258
Union, IL (village, FIPS 76706)
  Location: 42.23428 N, 88.54351 W
  Population (1990): 542 (199 housing units)
  Area: 1.5 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water)
  Zip code(s): 60180
Union, KY (city, FIPS 78384)
  Location: 38.95291 N, 84.66917 W
  Population (1990): 1001 (314 housing units)
  Area: 5.8 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water)
  Zip code(s): 41091
Union, ME
  Zip code(s): 04862
Union, MI
  Zip code(s): 49130
Union, MO (city, FIPS 74626)
  Location: 38.44826 N, 91.01262 W
  Population (1990): 5909 (2306 housing units)
  Area: 10.2 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water)
  Zip code(s): 63084
Union, MS (town, FIPS 75360)
  Location: 32.57146 N, 89.11631 W
  Population (1990): 1875 (829 housing units)
  Area: 8.9 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water)
  Zip code(s): 39365
Union, NE (village, FIPS 49635)
  Location: 40.81468 N, 95.92073 W
  Population (1990): 299 (125 housing units)
  Area: 0.5 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water)
  Zip code(s): 68455
Union, NH
  Zip code(s): 03887
Union, NJ (CDP, FIPS 74510)
  Location: 40.69530 N, 74.26974 W
  Population (1990): 50024 (19334 housing units)
  Area: 23.6 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water)
  Zip code(s): 07083
Union, OH (city, FIPS 78470)
  Location: 39.90270 N, 84.30992 W
  Population (1990): 5501 (1826 housing units)
  Area: 6.3 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water)
  Zip code(s): 45322
Union, OR (city, FIPS 75850)
  Location: 45.20901 N, 117.86713 W
  Population (1990): 1847 (802 housing units)
  Area: 6.5 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water)
  Zip code(s): 97883
Union, SC (city, FIPS 73105)
  Location: 34.72280 N, 81.62381 W
  Population (1990): 9836 (4158 housing units)
  Area: 19.3 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water)
  Zip code(s): 29379
Union, UT (CDP, FIPS 78110)
  Location: 40.61910 N, 111.87257 W
  Population (1990): 13684 (5399 housing units)
  Area: 7.3 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water)
Union, WA
  Zip code(s): 98592
Union, WV (town, FIPS 81940)
  Location: 37.59063 N, 80.54319 W
  Population (1990): 566 (296 housing units)
  Area: 1.2 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water)
  Zip code(s): 24983
from U.S. Gazetteer Places (2000)
Union, AL -- U.S. town in Alabama
   Population (2000):    227
   Housing Units (2000): 103
   Land area (2000):     0.820095 sq. miles (2.124036 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    0.820095 sq. miles (2.124036 sq. km)
   FIPS code:            77616
   Located within:       Alabama (AL), FIPS 01
   Location:             32.994164 N, 87.905313 W
   ZIP Codes (1990):    
   Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.
    Union, AL
from U.S. Gazetteer Places (2000)
Union, MO -- U.S. city in Missouri
   Population (2000):    7757
   Housing Units (2000): 3133
   Land area (2000):     8.080852 sq. miles (20.929310 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    8.080852 sq. miles (20.929310 sq. km)
   FIPS code:            74626
   Located within:       Missouri (MO), FIPS 29
   Location:             38.446684 N, 91.006070 W
   ZIP Codes (1990):     63084
   Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.
    Union, MO
from U.S. Gazetteer Places (2000)
Union, NE -- U.S. village in Nebraska
   Population (2000):    260
   Housing Units (2000): 112
   Land area (2000):     0.207538 sq. miles (0.537522 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    0.207538 sq. miles (0.537522 sq. km)
   FIPS code:            49635
   Located within:       Nebraska (NE), FIPS 31
   Location:             40.813763 N, 95.922336 W
   ZIP Codes (1990):     68455
   Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.
    Union, NE
from U.S. Gazetteer Places (2000)
Union, NJ -- U.S. Census Designated Place in New Jersey
   Population (2000):    54405
   Housing Units (2000): 20001
   Land area (2000):     9.115933 sq. miles (23.610157 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    0.000996 sq. miles (0.002579 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    9.116929 sq. miles (23.612736 sq. km)
   FIPS code:            74510
   Located within:       New Jersey (NJ), FIPS 34
   Location:             40.696951 N, 74.270439 W
   ZIP Codes (1990):     07083
   Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.
    Union, NJ
from U.S. Gazetteer Places (2000)
Union, OH -- U.S. city in Ohio
   Population (2000):    5574
   Housing Units (2000): 2167
   Land area (2000):     4.281239 sq. miles (11.088358 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    0.001131 sq. miles (0.002929 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    4.282370 sq. miles (11.091287 sq. km)
   FIPS code:            78470
   Located within:       Ohio (OH), FIPS 39
   Location:             39.900154 N, 84.313494 W
   ZIP Codes (1990):     45322
   Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.
    Union, OH
from U.S. Gazetteer Places (2000)
Union, OR -- U.S. city in Oregon
   Population (2000):    1926
   Housing Units (2000): 821
   Land area (2000):     2.491656 sq. miles (6.453358 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    2.491656 sq. miles (6.453358 sq. km)
   FIPS code:            75850
   Located within:       Oregon (OR), FIPS 41
   Location:             45.210034 N, 117.864818 W
   ZIP Codes (1990):     97883
   Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.
    Union, OR
from U.S. Gazetteer Places (2000)
Union, IL -- U.S. village in Illinois
   Population (2000):    576
   Housing Units (2000): 208
   Land area (2000):     0.606080 sq. miles (1.569740 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    0.606080 sq. miles (1.569740 sq. km)
   FIPS code:            76706
   Located within:       Illinois (IL), FIPS 17
   Location:             42.235237 N, 88.542379 W
   ZIP Codes (1990):     60180
   Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.
    Union, IL
from U.S. Gazetteer Places (2000)
Union, IA -- U.S. city in Iowa
   Population (2000):    427
   Housing Units (2000): 209
   Land area (2000):     0.552503 sq. miles (1.430975 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    0.552503 sq. miles (1.430975 sq. km)
   FIPS code:            79545
   Located within:       Iowa (IA), FIPS 19
   Location:             42.244715 N, 93.064240 W
   ZIP Codes (1990):     50258
   Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.
    Union, IA
from U.S. Gazetteer Places (2000)
Union, SC -- U.S. city in South Carolina
   Population (2000):    8793
   Housing Units (2000): 4240
   Land area (2000):     7.957192 sq. miles (20.609032 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    7.957192 sq. miles (20.609032 sq. km)
   FIPS code:            73105
   Located within:       South Carolina (SC), FIPS 45
   Location:             34.717308 N, 81.624924 W
   ZIP Codes (1990):     29379
   Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.
    Union, SC
from U.S. Gazetteer Places (2000)
Union, KY -- U.S. city in Kentucky
   Population (2000):    2893
   Housing Units (2000): 879
   Land area (2000):     3.234704 sq. miles (8.377845 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    3.234704 sq. miles (8.377845 sq. km)
   FIPS code:            78384
   Located within:       Kentucky (KY), FIPS 21
   Location:             38.945185 N, 84.671866 W
   ZIP Codes (1990):     41091
   Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.
    Union, KY
from U.S. Gazetteer Places (2000)
Union, MS -- U.S. town in Mississippi
   Population (2000):    2021
   Housing Units (2000): 884
   Land area (2000):     3.431298 sq. miles (8.887020 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    3.431298 sq. miles (8.887020 sq. km)
   FIPS code:            75360
   Located within:       Mississippi (MS), FIPS 28
   Location:             32.571320 N, 89.118118 W
   ZIP Codes (1990):     39365
   Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.
    Union, MS
from U.S. Gazetteer Places (2000)
Union, WV -- U.S. town in West Virginia
   Population (2000):    548
   Housing Units (2000): 309
   Land area (2000):     0.450446 sq. miles (1.166649 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    0.450446 sq. miles (1.166649 sq. km)
   FIPS code:            81940
   Located within:       West Virginia (WV), FIPS 54
   Location:             37.591211 N, 80.543022 W
   ZIP Codes (1990):     24983
   Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.
    Union, WV
from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
UNION. By this word is understood the United States of America; as, all good 
citizens will support the Union. 
from U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)
Union -- U.S. County in Georgia
   Population (2000):    17289
   Housing Units (2000): 10001
   Land area (2000):     322.548837 sq. miles (835.397617 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    6.474381 sq. miles (16.768568 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    329.023218 sq. miles (852.166185 sq. km)
   Located within:       Georgia (GA), FIPS 13
   Location:             34.856402 N, 84.009393 W
    Union, GA
    Union County
    Union County, GA
from U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)
Union -- U.S. County in Kentucky
   Population (2000):    15637
   Housing Units (2000): 6234
   Land area (2000):     345.097663 sq. miles (893.798807 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    18.330144 sq. miles (47.474852 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    363.427807 sq. miles (941.273659 sq. km)
   Located within:       Kentucky (KY), FIPS 21
   Location:             37.645700 N, 87.931029 W
    Union, KY
    Union County
    Union County, KY
from U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)
Union -- U.S. County in Indiana
   Population (2000):    7349
   Housing Units (2000): 3077
   Land area (2000):     161.548228 sq. miles (418.407973 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    3.700226 sq. miles (9.583542 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    165.248454 sq. miles (427.991515 sq. km)
   Located within:       Indiana (IN), FIPS 18
   Location:             39.607816 N, 84.917283 W
    Union, IN
    Union County
    Union County, IN
from U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)
Union -- U.S. County in Iowa
   Population (2000):    12309
   Housing Units (2000): 5657
   Land area (2000):     424.386689 sq. miles (1099.156431 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    1.566735 sq. miles (4.057826 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    425.953424 sq. miles (1103.214257 sq. km)
   Located within:       Iowa (IA), FIPS 19
   Location:             41.033565 N, 94.274698 W
    Union, IA
    Union County
    Union County, IA
from U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)
Union -- U.S. County in Illinois
   Population (2000):    18293
   Housing Units (2000): 7894
   Land area (2000):     416.160883 sq. miles (1077.851694 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    5.966986 sq. miles (15.454421 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    422.127869 sq. miles (1093.306115 sq. km)
   Located within:       Illinois (IL), FIPS 17
   Location:             37.461737 N, 89.248116 W
    Union, IL
    Union County
    Union County, IL
from U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)
Union -- U.S. Parish in Louisiana
   Population (2000):    22803
   Housing Units (2000): 10873
   Land area (2000):     877.601746 sq. miles (2272.977992 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    27.676690 sq. miles (71.682295 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    905.278436 sq. miles (2344.660287 sq. km)
   Located within:       Louisiana (LA), FIPS 22
   Location:             32.807443 N, 92.387227 W
    Union, LA
    Union Parish
    Union Parish, LA
from U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)
Union -- U.S. County in Mississippi
   Population (2000):    25362
   Housing Units (2000): 10693
   Land area (2000):     415.430555 sq. miles (1075.960153 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    1.442909 sq. miles (3.737118 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    416.873464 sq. miles (1079.697271 sq. km)
   Located within:       Mississippi (MS), FIPS 28
   Location:             34.489085 N, 88.999738 W
    Union, MS
    Union County
    Union County, MS
from U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)
Union -- U.S. County in Ohio
   Population (2000):    40909
   Housing Units (2000): 15217
   Land area (2000):     436.651495 sq. miles (1130.922131 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    0.325673 sq. miles (0.843490 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    436.977168 sq. miles (1131.765621 sq. km)
   Located within:       Ohio (OH), FIPS 39
   Location:             40.271860 N, 83.366607 W
    Union, OH
    Union County
    Union County, OH
from U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)
Union -- U.S. County in North Carolina
   Population (2000):    123677
   Housing Units (2000): 45695
   Land area (2000):     637.366684 sq. miles (1650.772063 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    2.221722 sq. miles (5.754233 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    639.588406 sq. miles (1656.526296 sq. km)
   Located within:       North Carolina (NC), FIPS 37
   Location:             35.000284 N, 80.570296 W
    Union, NC
    Union County
    Union County, NC
from U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)
Union -- U.S. County in New Jersey
   Population (2000):    522541
   Housing Units (2000): 192945
   Land area (2000):     103.289164 sq. miles (267.517696 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    2.171768 sq. miles (5.624852 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    105.460932 sq. miles (273.142548 sq. km)
   Located within:       New Jersey (NJ), FIPS 34
   Location:             40.657752 N, 74.301654 W
    Union, NJ
    Union County
    Union County, NJ
from U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)
Union -- U.S. County in New Mexico
   Population (2000):    4174
   Housing Units (2000): 2225
   Land area (2000):     3830.004212 sq. miles (9919.664950 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    0.787354 sq. miles (2.039238 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    3830.791566 sq. miles (9921.704188 sq. km)
   Located within:       New Mexico (NM), FIPS 35
   Location:             36.492607 N, 103.417893 W
    Union, NM
    Union County
    Union County, NM
from U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)
Union -- U.S. County in South Dakota
   Population (2000):    12584
   Housing Units (2000): 5345
   Land area (2000):     460.375710 sq. miles (1192.367564 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    6.704302 sq. miles (17.364062 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    467.080012 sq. miles (1209.731626 sq. km)
   Located within:       South Dakota (SD), FIPS 46
   Location:             42.824582 N, 96.657572 W
    Union, SD
    Union County
    Union County, SD
from U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)
Union -- U.S. County in Oregon
   Population (2000):    24530
   Housing Units (2000): 10603
   Land area (2000):     2036.554493 sq. miles (5274.651697 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    1.997315 sq. miles (5.173023 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    2038.551808 sq. miles (5279.824720 sq. km)
   Located within:       Oregon (OR), FIPS 41
   Location:             45.325011 N, 118.031311 W
    Union, OR
    Union County
    Union County, OR
from U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)
Union -- U.S. County in Tennessee
   Population (2000):    17808
   Housing Units (2000): 7916
   Land area (2000):     223.563421 sq. miles (579.026577 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    23.566680 sq. miles (61.037419 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    247.130101 sq. miles (640.063996 sq. km)
   Located within:       Tennessee (TN), FIPS 47
   Location:             36.265117 N, 83.814380 W
    Union, TN
    Union County
    Union County, TN
from U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)
Union -- U.S. County in Pennsylvania
   Population (2000):    41624
   Housing Units (2000): 14684
   Land area (2000):     316.726156 sq. miles (820.316944 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    0.389813 sq. miles (1.009610 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    317.115969 sq. miles (821.326554 sq. km)
   Located within:       Pennsylvania (PA), FIPS 42
   Location:             40.952523 N, 77.005608 W
    Union, PA
    Union County
    Union County, PA
from U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)
Union -- U.S. County in South Carolina
   Population (2000):    29881
   Housing Units (2000): 13351
   Land area (2000):     514.117730 sq. miles (1331.558751 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    1.798634 sq. miles (4.658441 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    515.916364 sq. miles (1336.217192 sq. km)
   Located within:       South Carolina (SC), FIPS 45
   Location:             34.719470 N, 81.610324 W
    Union, SC
    Union County
    Union County, SC
from U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)
Union -- U.S. County in Florida
   Population (2000):    13442
   Housing Units (2000): 3736
   Land area (2000):     240.285431 sq. miles (622.336384 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    9.423457 sq. miles (24.406640 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    249.708888 sq. miles (646.743024 sq. km)
   Located within:       Florida (FL), FIPS 12
   Location:             30.028050 N, 82.367222 W
    Union, FL
    Union County
    Union County, FL
from U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)
Union -- U.S. County in Arkansas
   Population (2000):    45629
   Housing Units (2000): 20676
   Land area (2000):     1038.902505 sq. miles (2690.745020 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    16.367899 sq. miles (42.392663 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    1055.270404 sq. miles (2733.137683 sq. km)
   Located within:       Arkansas (AR), FIPS 05
   Location:             33.207179 N, 92.612793 W
    Union, AR
    Union County
    Union County, AR
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
356 Moby Thesaurus words for "union":
      Anschluss, Bund, Rochdale cooperative, abutment, abuttal,
      accompaniment, accord, accordance, addition, adjoiningness,
      adjunct, affairs, affiliation, affinity, agape, agglomeration,
      agglutination, aggregation, agreement, alignment, alliance,
      allying, amalgamating, amalgamation, amity, ankle, anschluss,
      apposition, approximation, appulse, articulation, assemblage,
      assent, assimilation, associating, association, axis, band, bed,
      blend, blending, bloc, body, bond, bond of matrimony,
      bonds of harmony, boundary, bracketing, bridebed, brotherhood,
      brotherly love, butt, cabal, cahoots, caritas, cartel,
      cement of friendship, centralization, cervix, charity, chorus,
      circle, clinch, closeness, closure, club, clustering, co-working,
      coaction, coadunation, coalescence, coalition, cohabitation,
      coherence, coincidence, collaboration, colleagueship, collectivity,
      college, collegialism, collegiality, collusion, combination,
      combine, combined effort, combining, combo, common market,
      communication, communion, community, community of interests,
      compatibility, composition, comradeship, concatenation, concert,
      concerted action, concomitance, concord, concordance, concourse,
      concurrence, confederacy, confederating, confederation, confluence,
      conformance, conformation, conformity, confraternity, congeniality,
      congeries, conglomeration, congress, congruence, congruency,
      congruity, conjoining, conjugal bond, conjugal knot, conjugation,
      conjunction, connectedness, connecting link, connecting rod,
      connection, consilience, consistency, consolidation, consonance,
      consort, consortium, conspiracy, consumer cooperative,
      conterminousness, contiguity, contrariety, convergence,
      cooperation, cooperative, cooperative society, copartnership,
      copartnery, copulation, corps, correspondence, coterminousness,
      council, coupling, coverture, credit union, customs union,
      dealings, deduction, disjunction, dovetail, economic community,
      ecumenism, elbow, embodiment, embrace, empathy, encompassment,
      enosis, equivalence, esprit, esprit de corps, federalization,
      federation, feeling of identity, fellow feeling, fellowship,
      filiation, fraternalism, fraternity, fraternization,
      free trade area, freemasonry, frictionlessness, fusing, fusion,
      gang, gathering, gliding joint, good vibes, good vibrations, graft,
      group, grouping, guild, happy family, harmoniousness, harmony,
      hinge, hinged joint, hip, holy matrimony, holy wedlock, homology,
      hookup, husbandhood, identification, identity,
      ill-assorted marriage, inclusion, incorporation, integration,
      intercommunication, intercourse, interface, interlinking,
      intermarriage, interracial marriage, intersection, intimacy, join,
      joinder, joining, joint, jointure, junction, juncture, junta,
      juxtaposition, kinship, knee, knotting, knuckle, league, liaison,
      like-mindedness, link, linkage, linking, love, machine, marriage,
      marriage bed, marriage sacrament, marrying, match,
      matrimonial union, matrimony, meeting, meld, melding, mergence,
      merger, merging, mesalliance, misalliance, miscegenation, miter,
      mixed marriage, mixing, mixture, mob, mortise, mutual attraction,
      mutuality, nearness, neck, nuptial bond, oneness, order,
      organization, overlap, package, package deal, pairing, parallelism,
      parasitism, partnership, party, peace, perigee, perihelion, pivot,
      pivot joint, political machine, propinquity, proximity, rabbet,
      rapport, rapprochement, reciprocity, relatedness, relation,
      relations, relationship, ring, sacrament of matrimony,
      saprophytism, scarf, seam, self-consistency, sharing, shoulder,
      similarity, simultaneity, society, sodality, solidarity,
      solidification, sorority, splice, spousehood, stitch, suture,
      symbiosis, symmetry, sympathy, symphony, symphysis, sync,
      synchronism, syncretism, syndicate, syndication, syneresis,
      synergy, synthesis, synthesizing, syzygy, tally, team, team spirit,
      tie, tie rod, tie-in, tie-up, timing, togetherness, toggle,
      toggle joint, trust, unanimity, understanding, unification,
      uniformity, unison, unisonance, united action, uniting, unity,
      wedded bliss, wedded state, weddedness, wedding, wedding knot,
      wedlock, weld, wifehood, wrist, yoking


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