
from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)

   1. <database, programming, product> A {4GL} development
   environment and system integration tool marketed by
   {Compuware}.  Uniface is database independent, with interfaces
   to more than 14 {database management systems} and file
   retrieval systems including {DB2}, {IMS}, {SQL Server},
   {Oracle}, {RDB}, {Sybase}.  It is currently supported on {MS
   Windows} (98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003), various {Unix}
   flavours, {Linux}, {OpenVMS}, {IBM iSeries} ({AS/400}), {IBM
   zSeries} ({MVS}) and various {web servers}.  Uniface can
   integrate with {SAP}, {COM}, {Java}, {BEA Tuxedo}, {CICS}, and
   various {CORBA} implementations.

   Uniface user group Germany (http://c-b-g.org/).
   Profesional Uniface Users Universe (http://puuu.org/).
   Free tutorials (http://march-hare.com.au/).

   2. <text> Synonym of {bitmap font}.


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