The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
Transistor-Transistor Logic
(TTL) A common semiconductor technology for building discrete
digital logic integrated circuits. It originated from {Texas
Instruments} in 1965.
There have been several series of TTL logic:
7400: 10 ns propagation time, 10 mW/gate power consumption,
74L00: Low power: higher resistances, less dissipation
(1 mW), longer propagation time (30 ns);
74H00: High power: lower resistances, more dissipation: less
sensitivity for noise;
74S00: Schottky-clamped: faster switching (3 ns, 19 mW) by
using Schottky diodes to prevent the transistors from
74LS00: Low power, Schottky-clamped (10 ns, 2 mW);
74AS00: Advanced Schottky: faster switching, less
dissipation, (1.5 ns, 10 mW);
74ALS00: Advanced Low power Schottky (4 ns, 1.3 mW).
For each 74xxx family there is a corresponding 54xxx family.
The 74 series are specified for operation at 0 - 70 C whereas
the 54 (military) series can operate at -55 - 125 C
See also {CMOS}, {ECL}.