top-level domain

from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
top-level domain

   <networking> The last and most significant component of an
   {Internet} {fully qualified domain name}, the part after the
   last ".".  For example, {host} is in
   top-level domain "uk" (for United Kingdom).

   Every other country has its own top-level domain, including
   ".us" for the U.S.A.  Within the .us domain, there are
   subdomains for the fifty states, each generally with a name
   identical to the state's postal abbreviation.  These are
   rarely used however.  Within the .uk domain, there is a
   subdomain for academic sites and a domain for
   commercial ones.  Other top-level domains may be divided up in
   similar ways.

   In the US and some other countries, the following top-level
   domains are used much more widely than the country code:

   	.com - commercial bodies
   	.edu - educational institutions
   	.gov - U. S. government
   	.mil - U. S. armed services
   	.net - network operators
   	.org - other organisations

   Since the rapid commercialisation of the Internet in the 1990s
   the ".com" domain has become particularly heavily populated
   with every company trying to register its company name as a
   subdomain of .com, e.g. "" so as to make it easy
   for customers to guess or remember the {URL} of the comany's
   {home page}.

   United Nations entities use the domain names of the countries
   where they are located.  The UN headquarters facility in New
   York City, for example, is

   Several new top-level domains are about to be added (Oct
   	.nom   - individual people
   	.rec   - recreational organisations
   	.firm  - businesses such as law, accounting, engineering
   	.store - commercial retail companies
   	.ent   - entertainment facilities and organisations


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