The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
third generation computer
<architecture> A computer built with small-scale integration
{integrated circuits}, designed after the mid-1960s.
Third generation computers use {semiconductor} memories in
addition to, and later instead of, {ferrite core memory}. The
two main types of semiconductor memory are {Read-Only Memory}
(ROM) and read-and-write memories called {random-access
memory} (RAM).
A technique called {microprogramming} became widespread and
simplified the design of the {CPUs} and increased their
flexibility. This also made possible the development of
{operating systems} as {software} rather than as hard-wiring.
A variety of techniques for improving processing efficiency
were invented, such as {pipelining}, (parallel operation of
{functional units} processing a single instruction), and
{multiprocessing} (concurrent execution of multiple programs).
As the execution of a program requires that program to be in
memory, the concurrent running of several programs requires
that all programs be in memory simultaneously. Thus the
development of techniques for concurrent processing was
matched by the development of {memory management} techniques
such as {dynamic memory allocation}, {virtual memory}, and
{paging}, as well as {compilers} producing {relocatable code}.
The {LILLIAC IV} is an example of a third generation computer.
The CTSS ({Compatible Time-Sharing System}) was developed at
{MIT} in the early 1960s and had a considerable influence on
the design of subsequent timesharing operating systems.
An interesting contrasting development in this generation was
the start of mass production of small low-cost