
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Tajacu \Ta*ja[,c]"u\, Tajassu \Ta*jas"su\, n. [Pg. taja[,c]['u],
   from Braz. taya[,c]['u] a hog or swine.] (Zool.)
   The common, or collared, peccary ({Tayassu tajacu}). Called
   also {javelina} and {tayaussa}.
   [1913 Webster + PJC]

         Common Names: Collared Peccary, Musk Hog, Tayaussa
         Genus: Tayassu
         Species: tajacu
         The [a href="images]javelina.gif">javelina is the only
         wild pig in North America. It looks exactly like a real
         pig except a little bigger. It is a grizzled
         blackish-gray color with a yellowish band which runs
         under the neck. The name {collared peccary} comes from
         the ruff of hair around its neck. It has small, round
         ears and beady eyes. Its body is barrel-shaped with
         short legs. Its head is pointed, ending in a disc-like
         nose. Javelinas have 3 toes on each hind foot. The
         upper tusks (1.5 inches long) are pointed down, instead
         of up like some other wild pigs. The javelina grows
         from 46 to 60 inches long, and can weigh up to 60
         Javelinas live in the canyon area of the desert. They
         live there because it is bushy and there are water
         holes everywhere. They need the bushes for the shade
         and they need lots of water to live.
         The javelina eats cacti, grass, bulbs, berries,
         flowers, mushrooms, and fruit, which is easy for them
         to get in their habitat.
         The javelina always travel and live in groups. The
         female gives birth to twins about once a year. Her
         young travel with the group their whole life until they
         die. No new members are ever accepted into the group
         unless they are born into it.
         The javelinas have a very good nose. That can have its
         advantages if there is a predator around. They also
         look for food in groups so if they're attacked they can
         fight back in numbers.
         The javelina's niche is the water holes and bushes in
         the canyon area where they live. They get shade under
         the bushes, so they won't over heat. They can't survive
         long without water, so it's good to have water close by
         if you are a javelina.
         Javelinas' status in the wild is very good right now.
         There are lots of them around and they're not dying off
         or going extinct.                        --Tristan A.

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