space time

from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
45 Moby Thesaurus words for "space time":
      3-D, Einstein theory, chronology, continuity, continuum theory,
      cosmic constant, cubic, dimensional, duration, duree, flat,
      four-dimensional geometry, four-dimensional space,
      fourth dimension, fourth-dimensional, lastingness,
      other continuums, period, principle of equivalence,
      principle of relativity, proportional, psychological time,
      relativity, space, space-time continuum, spatial, spatiotemporal,
      spherical, stereoscopic, superficial, surface, tense, term,
      the future, the past, the present, theory of relativity,
      three-dimensional, tide, time, time-space, timebinding,
      two-dimensional, volumetric, while


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