Shill-I-shall-I \Shill"-I-shall`-I\, Shilly-shally \Shil"ly-shal`ly\, adv. [A reduplication of shall I.] In an irresolute, undecided, or hesitating manner. [1913 Webster] I am somewhat dainty in making a resolution, because when I make it, I keep it; I don't stand shill-I-shall-I then; if I say 't, I'll do 't. --Congreve. [1913 Webster]
Shilly-shally \Shil"ly-shal`ly\, v. i. To hesitate; to act in an irresolute manner; hence, to occupy one's self with trifles. [1913 Webster]
Shilly-shally \Shil"ly-shal`ly\, n. Irresolution; hesitation; also, occupation with trifles. [1913 Webster] She lost not one of her forty-five minutes in picking and choosing, -- no shilly-shally in Kate. --De Quincey. [1913 Webster]