public enemy

from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
PUBLIC ENEMY. This word, used in the singular number, designates a nation at 
war with the United States, and includes every member of such nation. Vatt. 
1. 3, c. 5, Sec. 70. To make a public enemy, the government of the foreign 
country must be at war with the United States; for a mob, how numerous 
soever it may be, or robbers, whoever they may be, are never considered as a 
public enemy. 2 Marsh. Ins. 508; 3 Esp. R. 131, 132. 
     2. A common carrier is exempt from responsibility, whenever a loss has 
been occasioned to the goods in his charge by the act of a public enemy, but 
the burden of proof lies on him to show that the loss was so occasioned. 3 
Munf. R. 239; 4 Binn. 127; 2 Bailey, 1 57. Vide Enemy; People. 
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
49 Moby Thesaurus words for "public enemy":
      Judas, adversary, antagonist, archenemy, bad person, betrayer,
      bitter enemy, convict, criminal, crook, deceiver, delinquent,
      desperado, desperate criminal, devil, double-dealer, enemy,
      evildoer, felon, foe, foeman, fugitive, gallows bird, gangster,
      gaolbird, jailbird, lawbreaker, malefactor, malevolent, malfeasant,
      malfeasor, misfeasor, mobster, open enemy, outlaw, quisling,
      racketeer, scofflaw, sinner, swindler, sworn enemy, thief, thug,
      traitor, transgressor, two-timer, villain, worker of ill,


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