
from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)

   A tool for organising {Internet} resources.  Prospero allows
   each user to organise the contents of remote file servers into
   his own virtual file system with his own hierarchical name
   space consisting of links to remote objects.  Remote indexing
   services are made available by treating the results as a
   virtual directory.  A "union link" allows the contents of the
   link's target directory to appear as part of the directory
   containing the link.  Arbitrary filters can be associated with
   links to modify the representation of the target directory as
   desired.  Prospero directories can be shared between users.
   The Prospero protocol is used for communication between
   clients and servers in the archie system.

   A prototype of Prospero has been available since December
   1990.  It interfaces with Sun {NFS}, the {Andrew File System}
   and {FTP} (with local caching) and {Archie}.  Support for
   {World-Wide Web} and {WAIS} is planned (1992).

   E-mail: <[email protected]>.

[email protected]