pre-emptive multitasking

from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
pre-emptive multitasking

   <operating system, parallel> A type of {multitasking} where
   the {scheduler} can interrupt and suspend ("swap out") the
   currently running task in order to start or continue running
   ("swap in") another task.  The tasks under pre-emptive
   multitasking can be written as though they were the only task
   and the {scheduler} decides when to swap them.  The scheduler
   must ensure that when swapping tasks, sufficient state is
   saved and restored that tasks do not interfere.

   The length of time for which a process runs is known as its
   "{time slice}" and may depend on the task's priority or its
   use of resources such as memory and I/O.

   {OS/2}, {Unix} and the {Amiga} use pre-emptive multitasking.

   This contrasts with {cooperative multitasking} where each task
   must include calls to allow it to be {deschedule}d


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