play on words

from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
45 Moby Thesaurus words for "play on words":
      abuse of terms, acrostic, amphibologism, amphiboly, anagram,
      be merry with, calembour, corruption, crack a joke, crack wise,
      equivocality, equivoque, fleer at, fun, gibe at, jape, jest,
      jeu de mots, joke, josh, kid, kid around, logogram, logogriph,
      make a funny, make fun, make fun of, malapropism, metagram,
      missaying, mock, palindrome, paronomasia, poke fun at, pun,
      punning, quip, ridicule, scintillate, scoff at, sparkle,
      spoonerism, utter a mot, wisecrack, wordplay


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