
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: loud and resounding; "plangent bells"; "the plangent
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Plangent \Plan"gent\, a. [L. plangens, -entis, fr. plangere to
   beat. See {Plaint}.]
   Beating; dashing, as a wave. [R.] "The plangent wave." --H.
   [1913 Webster] Plani
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
75 Moby Thesaurus words for "plangent":
      Jeremianic, aggrieved, anguished, booming, careworn, complaining,
      consonant, deafening, doleful, dolorous, dumb with grief,
      ear-piercing, ear-rending, ear-splitting, earthshaking,
      faultfinding, forte, fortissimo, fretful, full, grief-stricken,
      griefful, grieved, grievous, howling, in grief, lamentable,
      lamentive, loud, loud-sounding, loudish, lugubrious, mellow,
      moanful, mournful, orotund, pealing, peevish, petulant, piercing,
      plaintive, plunged in grief, puling, pulsing, querulous, resonant,
      resonating, resounding, rich, ringing, rolling, rotund, round,
      rueful, sonorous, sorrowed, sorrowful, sorrowing, stentoraphonic,
      stentorian, stentorious, tearful, throbbing, thunderous,
      tonitruant, tonitruous, ululant, vibrant, vibrating, wailful,
      whimpering, whining, whiny, window-rattling, woeful


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