persistent functional language

from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
Persistent Functional Language

   <functional language, database> (PFL) A {functional database}
   language developed by Carol Small at Birkbeck College, London,
   UK and Alexandra Poulovassilis (now at {King's College

   In PFL, functions are defined equationally and bulk data is
   stored using a special class of functions called selectors.
   PFL is a {lazy} language, supports {higher-order functions},
   has a strong {polymorphic} {type inference} system, and allows
   new user-defined data types and values.  All functions, types
   and values persist in a {database}.  Functions can be written
   which update all aspects of the database: by adding data to
   selectors, by defining new equations, and by introducing new
   data types and values.

   PFL is "semi-{referentially transparent}", in the sense that
   whilst updates are referentially opaque and are executed
   {destructive}ly, all evaluation is referentially transparent.
   Similarly, {type checking} is "semi-static" in the sense that
   whilst updates are dynamically type checked at run time,
   expressions are type checked before they are evaluated and no
   type errors can occur during their evaluation.

   ["A Functional Approach to Database Updates
   C. Small, Information Systems 18(8), 1993, pp. 581-95].


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