pattern recognition

from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
pattern recognition

   <artificial intelligence, data processing> A branch of
   {artificial intelligence} concerned with the classification or
   description of observations.

   Pattern recognition aims to classify {data} (patterns) based
   on either a priori knowledge or on statistical information
   extracted from the patterns.  The patterns to be classified
   are usually groups of measurements or observations, defining
   points in an appropriate multidimensional space.

   A complete pattern recognition system consists of a sensor
   that gathers the observations to be classified or described; a
   {feature extraction} mechanism that computes numeric or
   {symbolic} information from the observations; and a
   classification or description scheme that does the actual job
   of classifying or describing observations, relying on the
   extracted features.

   The classification or description scheme is usually based on
   the availability of a set of patterns that have already been
   classified or described.  This set of patterns is termed the
   {training set} and the resulting learning strategy is
   characterised as {supervised}.  Learning can also be
   {unsupervised}, in the sense that the system is not given an a
   priori labelling of patterns, instead it establishes the
   classes itself based on the statistical regularities of the

   The classification or description scheme usually uses one of
   the following approaches: statistical (or {decision
   theoretic}), syntactic (or structural), or neural.
   Statistical pattern recognition is based on statistical
   characterisations of patterns, assuming that the patterns are
   generated by a {probabilistic} system.  Structural pattern
   recognition is based on the structural interrelationships of
   features.  Neural pattern recognition employs the neural
   computing paradigm that has emerged with {neural networks}.


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