Pali n 1: an ancient Prakrit language (derived from Sanskrit) that is the scriptural and liturgical language of Theravada Buddhism
Pali \Pa"li\, n., pl. of {Palus}. [1913 Webster]
Pali \Pa"li\, n. [Ceylonese, fr. Skr. p[=a]li row, line, series, applied to the series of Buddhist sacred texts.] A dialect descended from Sanskrit, and like that, a dead language, except when used as the sacred language of the Buddhist religion in Farther India, etc. [1913 Webster]
Palus \Pa"lus\, n.; pl. {Pali}. [L., a stake.] (Zool.) One of several upright slender calcareous processes which surround the central part of the calicle of certain corals. [1913 Webster]