WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: any compound containing the nitrate group (such as a salt
or ester of nitric acid)
v 1: treat with nitric acid, so as to change an organic compound
into a nitrate; "nitroglycerin is obtained by nitrating
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
43 Moby Thesaurus words for "nitrate":
acetify, acidify, acidulate, alkalify, alkalize, ammonia, borate,
carbonate, castor-bean meal, catalyze, chemical, chlorinate,
commercial fertilizer, compost, dressing, dung, electrolyze,
enrichener, ferment, fertilizer, guano, homopolymerize, hydrate,
hydrogenate, hydroxylate, isomerize, manure, muck, night soil,
nitrogen, organic fertilizer, oxidize, pepsinate, peroxidize,
phosphate, phosphatize, polymerize, reduce, sulfate, sulfatize,
sulfonate, superphosphate, work
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