new jerse

from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
NEW JERSEY. The name of one of the original states of the United States of 
America. This state, when it was first settled, was divided into, two 
provinces, which bore the names of East Jersey and West Jersey. They were 
granted to different proprietaries. Serious dissensions having arisen 
between them, and between them and New York, induced the proprietaries of 
both provinces to make a formal surrender of all their powers of government, 
but not of their lands, to Queen Anne, in April, 1702; they were immediately 
reunited in one province, and governed by a governor appointed by the crown, 
assisted by a council, and an assembly of the representatives of the people, 
chosen by the freeholders. This form of government continued till the 
American Revolution. 
     2. A constitution was adopted for New Jersey on the second day of July, 
1776, which continued in force till the first day of September, 1844, 
inclusive. A convention was assembled at Trenton on the 14th of May, 1844; 
it continued in, session till the 29th day of Tune, 1844, when the new 
constitution was adopted, and it is provided by art. 8, s. 4, that this 
constitution shall take effect and go into operation on the second day of 
September, 1844. 
     3. By art. 3, the powers of the government are divided into three 
distinct department, the legislative, executive and judicial. It further 
provided that no person or persons belonging to, or constituting one of 
these departments, shall exercise any of the powers properly belonging to 
either of the others, except therein expressed. 
     4.-Sec. 1. The legislative power shall be vested in a senate and 
general assembly. Art. 4, s. 1, n. 1. 
     5.-1st. In treating of the senate, it will be proper to consider, 1. 
The of senators. 2. Of the electors of senators. 3. Of the number of 
senators. 4. Of the time for which they are elected. 
     6.-1. No person shall be a member of the senate, who shall not have 
attained the age of thirty years, and have been a citizen and inhabitant of 
the state for four years, and of the county for which he shall be chosen one 
year, next before his election. And he must be entitled to suffrage at the 
time of his election. Art. 4, s. 1, n. 2. 
     7.-2. Every white male citizen of the United States, of the age of 
twenty-one years, who shall have been a resident of this state one year, and 
of the county in which he claims his vote five months next before the 
election, shall be entitled to vote for all officers that now are, or 
hereafter may be elective by the people; provided, that no person in the 
military, naval, or marine service of the United States, shall be considered 
a resident in this state, by, being stationed in any garrison, barrack, or 
military or naval place or station within this state; and no pauper, idiot, 
insane person, or person convicted of a crime which now excludes him from 
being a witness, unless pardoned or restored by law to the right of 
suffrage, shall enjoy the right of an elector. 
     8.-3. The senate shall be composed of one senator from each county in 
the state. Art. 4, s. 2, n. 1. 
     9.-4. The senators are elected on the second Tuesday of October, for 
three years. Art. 4, s. 2, n. 1. As soon as the senate shall meet after the 
first election to be held in pursuance of this constitution, they shall be 
divided, as equally as may be, into three classes. The seats of the, 
senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the first 
year; of the second class at the expiration of the second year; and of the 
third class at the expiration of the third year; so that one class may be 
elected every year; and if vacancies happen, by resignation or otherwise, 
the person elected to supply such vacancies shall be elected for the 
unexpired terms only. Art. 4, s. 2, n. 2. 
    10.-2d. The general assembly will be considered in the same order that 
has been observed in speaking of the senate. 
    11.-1. No person shall be a member, of the general assembly, who shall 
not have attained the age of twenty-one years, and have been a citizen and 
inhabitant of the state for two years, and of the county for which he shall 
be chosen one year next before his election. He must be entitled to this 
right of suffrage. Art. 4, s. 1, n. 2. 
    12.-2. The same persons who elect senators elect members of the 
general assembly. 
    13.-3. The general assembly shall be composed of members annually 
elected by the legal voters of the counties, respectively, who shall be 
apportioned among the said counties as nearly as may be according to the 
number of their inhabitants. The present apportionment shall continue until 
the next census of the United States shall have been taken, and an 
apportionment of members of the general assembly shall be made by the 
legislature, at its first session after the next and every subsequent 
enumeration or census, and when made shall remain unaltered until another 
enumeration shall have been taken; provided, that each county shall at all 
times be entitled to one member: and the whole number of members shall never 
exceed sixty. 
    14.-4. Members of the legislature are elected yearly on the second 
Tuesday of October. 
    15.-3d. The powers of the respective houses are as follows: 
    16.-1. Each house shall direct writs of election for supplying 
vacancies, occasioned by death, resignation, or:otherwise; but if vacancies 
occur during the recess of the legislature, the writs may be issued by the 
governor, under such regulations as may be prescribed by law. 
    17.-2. Each house shall be the judge of the elections, returns, and 
qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a 
quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and 
may be. authorized to compel the attendance of absent members, in such 
manner and under such penalties as each house may provide. 
    18.-3. Each house shall choose its own officers, determine the rules 
of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behaviour, and, with 
the concurrence of two-thirds, may expel a member. 
    19.-4. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from 
time to time publish the same; and the yeas and nays of the members of 
either house, on any question, shall, at the desire of one-fifth of those 
present, be entered on the journal. 
    20.-5. Neither house, during the session of the legislature, shall, 
without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to 
any other place than that in which the two houses shall be sitting. 
    21.-6. All bills and joint resolutions shall be read three time; in 
each house, before the final passage thereof; and no bill or joint 
resolution shall pass, unless there be a majority of all the members of each 
house personally present and agreeing thereto: and the yeas and nays of 
members voting on such final passage shall be entered on the journal. 
    22.-7. Members of the senate and general assembly shall receive a 
compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of 
the treasury of the state; which compensation shall not exceed the sum of 
three dollars per day for the period of forty days from the commencement of 
the session; and shall not exceed the sum of one dollar and fifty cents per 
day for the remainder of the session. When convened in extra session by the 
governor, they shall receive such sum as shall be fixed for the first forty 
days of the ordinary session. They shall also receive the sum of one dollar 
for every ten miles they shall travel, in going to and returning from their 
place of meeting, on the most usual route. The president of the senate, and 
the speaker of the house of assembly shall, in virtue of their offices, 
receive an additional compensation equal to one-third of their per diem 
allowance as members. 
    23.-8. Members of the senate and of the general assembly shall, in all 
cases except treason, felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged from 
arrest during their attendance at the sitting of their respective houses, 
and in going to and returning from the same: and for any speech or debate, 
in either house, they shall not be questioned in any other place. 
    24.-Sec. 2. By the fifth article of the constitution, the executive 
power is vested in a governor. It will be convenient to consider, 1. The 
qualifications of the governor. 2. By whom he is elected. 3. The duration of 
his office. 4. His powers: and 5. His salary. 
    25.-1. The governor shall be not less than thirty years of age, and 
shall have been for twenty years, at least, a citizen of the United States, 
and a resident of this state seven years next before his election, unless be 
shall have been absent during that time on the public business of the United 
States or of this state. 
    26.-2. He is chosen by the legal voters of the state.
    27.-3. The governor holds his office for three years, to commence on 
the third Tuesday of January next ensuing the election of governor by the 
people, and to end on the Monday preceding the third Tuesday of January, 
three years thereafter; and he cannot nominate nor appoint to office during 
the last week of his term. He is not reeligible without an intermission of 
three years. Art. 5, n. 3. 
    28.-4. His powers are as follows: He shall be the commander-in-chief 
of all the military and naval forces of the state; he shall have power to 
convene the legislature, whenever, in his opinion, public necessity requires 
it; he shall communicate, by message, to the legislature, at the opening of 
each session, and at such other times as he may deem necessary, the 
condition of the state, and recommend such measures as he may deem 
expedient; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and 
grant, under the great seal of the state, commissions to all such officers 
as shall be required to be commissioned. 
    29. Every bill which shall have passed both houses shall be presented to 
the governor: if he approve, he shall sign it, but if not, he shall return 
it, with his objections, to the house in which it shall have originated, who 
shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and proceed to 
reconsider it; if, after such reconsideration, a majority of the whole 
number of that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, 
together with the objections, to the other house, by which it shall likewise 
be reconsidered, and if approved of by a majority of the whole number of 
that house, it shall become a law; but in neither house shall the vote be 
taken on the same day on which the bill shall be returned to it; and in all 
such cases the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, 
and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be 
entered on the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be 
returned by the governor, within five days (Sunday excepted) after it shall 
have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he 
had signed it, unless the legislature, by their adjournment, prevent its 
return, in which case it shall not be a law. 
    30. The governor, or person administering the government, shall have 
power to suspend the collection of fines and forfeitures, and to grant 
reprieves, to extend until the expiration of a time not exceeding ninety 
days after conviction but this power shall not extend to cases of 
    31. The governor, or person administering the government, the 
chancellor, and the six judges of the court of errors and appeals, or a 
major part of them, of whom the governor or person administering the 
government shall be one, may remit fines and forfeitures, and grant pardons 
after conviction, in all cages except impeachment. 
    32.-5. The governor shall, at stated times, receive for his services a 
compensation which shall be neither increased nor diminished during 'the 
period for which be shall have been elected. 
    33.-Sec. 3. The judicial power shall be vested in a court of errors 
and appeals in the last resort in all causes, as heretofore; a court for the 
trial of impeachments; a court of chancery; a prerogative court; a supreme 
court; circuit courts, and such inferior courts as now exist, and as may be 
hereafter ordained and established by law; which inferior courts the 
legislature may alter or abolish, as the public good shall require. 
    34.-1. The court of errors and appeals shall consist of the 
chancellor, the justices of the supreme court, and six judges, or a major 
part of them; which judges are to be appointed for six years. 
    35.-2. Immediately after the court shall first assemble, the six 
judges shall arrange themselves; in such manner that the seat of one of them 
shall be vacated every year, in order that thereafter one judge may be 
annually appointed. 
    36.-3. Such of the six judges as shall attend the court shall receive, 
respectively, a per diem compensation, to be provided by law. 
    37.-4. The secretary of state shall be the clerk of this court. 
    38.-5. When an appeal from an order or decree shall be heard, the 
chancellor shall inform the court, in writing, of the reasons for his order 
or decree but he shall not sit as a member, or have a voice in the hearing 
or final sentence. 
    39.-6. When a writ of error shall be brought, no justice who has given 
a judicial opinion in the cause, in favor of or against any error complained 
of, shall sit as a member, or have a voice on the hearing, or for its 
affirmance or reversal; but the reasons for such opinion shall be assigned 
to the court in writing. 
    40.-1. The house of assembly shall have the sole power of impeaching, 
by a vote of a majority of all the members; and all impeachments shall be 
tried by the senate: the members, when sitting for that purpose, to be on 
oath or affirmation "truly and impartially to try and determine the charge 
in question according to evidence:" and no person shall be convicted without 
the concurrence of two-thirds of all the members of the senate. 
    41.-2. Any individual officer impeached shall be suspended from 
exercising his office until his acquittal. 
    42.-3. Judgment, in cases of impeachment, shall not extend farther 
than. to removal from, office and to disqualification to hold and enjoy any 
office of honor, profit, or trust under this state; but the party convicted 
shall nevertheless be liable to indictment, trial, and punishment, according 
to law. 
    43.-4. The secretary of state shall be the clerk of this court. 
    44.-1. The court of chancery shall consist of a chancellor.
    45.-2. The chancellor shall be the ordinary, or surrogate-general, and 
judge of the prerogative court. 
    46.-3. All persons aggrieved by any order, sentence, or decree of the 
orphans' court may appeal from the same, or from any part thereof, to the 
prerogative court; but such order, sentence, or decree shall not be removed 
into the supreme court, or circuit court if the subject matter thereof be 
within the jurisdiction of the orphans' court. 
    47.-4. The secretary of state shall be the register of the prerogative 
court, and shall perform the duties required of him by law in that respect. 
    48.-1. The supreme court shall consist of a chief justice and four 
associate justices. The number of associate justices may be increased or 
decreased by law, but shall never be less than two. 
    49.-2. The circuit courts shall be held in every county of this state, 
by one or more of the justices of the supreme court, or a judge appointed 
for that purpose; and shall in all cases within the county, except in those 
of a criminal nature, have common law jurisdiction concurrent with the 
supreme court; and any final judgment of a circuit court may be docketed in 
the supreme court, and shall operate as a judgment obtained in the supreme 
court, from the time of such docketing. 
    50.-3. Final judgments in any circuit court may be brought by writ of 
error into the supreme court, or directly into the court of errors and 
    51.-1. There shall be no more than five judges of the inferior court 
of common pleas in each of the counties in this state after the terms of the 
judges of said court now in office shall terminate. One judge for each 
county shall be appointed every year, and no more, except to fill vacancies, 
which shall be for the unexpired term only. 
    52.-2. The commissions for the first appointments of judges of said 
court shall bear date and take effect on the first day of April next; and an 
subsequent commissions for judges of said court shall bear date and take 
effect on the first day of April in every successive year, except 
commissions to fill vacancies, which shall hear date and take effect when 
    53.-1. There may be elected under this constitution two, and not more 
than five, justices of the peace in each of the townships of the several 
counties of this state, and in each of the wards, in cities that may vote in 
wards. When a township or ward contains two thousand inhabitants or less, it 
may have two justices; when it contains more than two thousand inhabitants, 
and not more than four thousand, it may have four justices; and when it 
contains more than four thousand inhabitants, it may have, five justices; 
provided, that whenever any township, not voting in wards, contains more 
than seven thousand inhabitants, such township) may have an additional 
justice for each additional three thousand inhabitants above four thousand. 
    54.-2. The population of the townships in the several counties of the 
state and of the several wards shall be ascertained by the lost preceding 
census of the United States, until the legislature shall provide by law some 
other mode of ascertaining it. 

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