The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
network address
network number
<networking> 1. The network portion of an {IP address}. For a
{class A} network, the network address is the first {byte} of
the IP address. For a {class B network}, the network address
is the first two bytes of the IP address. For a {class C
network}, the network address is the first three bytes of the
IP address. In each case, the remainder is the {host
address}. In the {Internet}, assigned network addresses are
globally unique.
See also {subnet address}, {Internet Registry}.
2. (Or "net address") An {electronic mail} address on {the
network}. In the 1980s this might have been a {bang path} but
now (1997) it is nearly always a {domain address}. Such an
address is essential if one wants to be to be taken seriously
by {hackers}; in particular, persons or organisations that
claim to understand, work with, sell to, or recruit from among
hackers but *don't* display net addresses are quietly presumed
to be clueless poseurs and mentally {flush}ed.
Hackers often put their net addresses on their business cards
and wear them prominently in contexts where they expect to
meet other hackers face-to-face (e.g. {science-fiction
fandom}). This is mostly functional, but is also a signal
that one identifies with hackerdom (like lodge pins among
Masons or tie-dyed T-shirts among Grateful Dead fans). Net
addresses are often used in e-mail text as a more concise
substitute for personal names; indeed, hackers may come to
know each other quite well by network names without ever
learning each others' real monikers.
See also {sitename}, {domainist}.
[{Jargon File}]