means to an end

from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
59 Moby Thesaurus words for "means to an end":
      ability, action, ad hoc measure, answer, artifice, capacity,
      capital, contrivance, countermove, coup, course of action,
      demarche, device, devices, disposable resources, dodge, effort,
      expedient, funds, gimmick, improvisation, jury-rig,
      jury-rigged expedient, last expedient, last resort, last shift,
      makeshift, maneuver, means, measure, method, move, pis aller,
      power, recourses, resort, resorts, resource, resources, shake-up,
      shift, solution, step, stock, stopgap, stratagem, stroke,
      stroke of policy, supply, tactic, temporary expedient, trick,
      trump, ways, ways and means, wherewith, wherewithal,
      working hypothesis, working proposition


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