mala praxis

from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
MALA PRAXIS, crim. law. A Latin expression, to signify bad or unskillful 
practice in a physician or other professional person, as a midwife, whereby 
the health of the patient is injured. 
     2. This offence is a misdemeanor (whether it be occasioned by curiosity 
and experiment or neglect) because, it breaks the trust which the patient 
has put in the physician, and tends directly to his destruction. 1 Lord 
Raym. 213. See forms of indictment for mala praxis, 3 Chitty Crim. Law, 863; 
4 Wentw. 360; Vet. Int. 231; Trem. 242. Vide also, 2 Russ. on Cr. 288; 1 
Chit. Pr. 43; Com. Dig. Physician; Vin. Ab. Physician. 
     3. There are three kinds of mal practice. 1. Willful mal practice, which

takes place when the physician purposely administers medicines or performs 
an operation which he knows and expects will result in danger or death to 
the individual under his care; as, in the case of criminal abortion. 
     4.-2. Negligent mal practice, which comprehends those cases where 
there is no criminal or dishonest object, but gross negligence of that 
attention which the situation of the patient requires: as if a physician 
should administer medicines while in a state of intoxication, from which 
injury would arise to his patient. 
     5.-3. Ignorant mal practice, which is the administration of 
medicines, calculated to do injury, which do harm, and which a well educated 
and scientific medical man would know were not proper in the case. Besides 
the public remedy for mal practice, in many cases the party injured may 
bring a civil action. 5 Day's R. 260; 9 Conn. 209. See M. & Rob. 107; 1 
Saund. 312, n. 2; l Ld. Raym. 213; 1 Briand, Med. Leg. 50; 8 Watts, 355; 9 
Conn. 209. 

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