lotus eater
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
54 Moby Thesaurus words for "lotus eater":
Don Quixote, Quixote, clock watcher, dallier, dawdle, dawdler,
daydreamer, diddler, dillydallier, do-nothing, dolittle, doodler,
dreamer, dreamer of dreams, enthusiast, escapist, faineant,
gentleman of leisure, goldbrick, goldbricker, goof-off, idealist,
idler, laggard, lingerer, loafer, loiterer, loller, lounger,
lubber, mope, moper, potterer, prophet, putterer, rhapsodist,
romancer, romantic, romanticist, seer, slouch, sloucher, slug,
sluggard, stick-in-the-mud, time killer, time waster, trifler,
utopian, utopianist, utopianizer, visionary, waiter on Providence,
wishful thinker
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