long faced
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
50 Moby Thesaurus words for "long faced":
brooding, broody, chapfallen, crestfallen, decorous, demure,
dumpish, earnest, formal, frowning, glum, grave, grim, grim-faced,
grim-visaged, grum, heavy, heavyhearted, laden with sorrow,
moodish, moody, mopey, moping, mopish, morose, mumpish, oppressed,
sad, sad of heart, sad-eyed, sad-faced, saddened, sadhearted,
sedate, serious, sober, sober-minded, sobersided, solemn, somber,
staid, stone-faced, straight-faced, sulky, sullen, thoughtful,
unsmiling, weighed upon, weighted down, weighty
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