live free or die!

from Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003)
Live Free Or Die!

   1. The state motto of New Hampshire, which appears on that state's
   automobile license plates.

   2. A slogan associated with Unix in the romantic days when Unix
   aficionados saw themselves as a tiny, beleaguered underground tilting
   against the windmills of industry. The "free" referred specifically to
   freedom from the {fascist} design philosophies and crufty misfeatures
   common on competing operating systems. Armando Stettner, one of the
   early Unix developers, used to give out fake license plates bearing
   this motto under a large Unix, all in New Hampshire colors of green
   and white. These are now valued collector's items. In 1994 {DEC} put
   an inferior imitation of these in circulation with a red corporate
   logo added. Compaq (half of which was once DEC) continued the
from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
Live Free Or Die!

   1. The state motto of New Hampshire, which appears on that
   state's automobile licence plates.

   2. A slogan associated with Unix in the romantic days when
   Unix aficionados saw themselves as a tiny, beleaguered
   underground tilting against the windmills of industry.  The
   "free" referred specifically to freedom from the {fascist}
   design philosophies and {crufty} misfeatures common on
   commercial operating systems.  Armando Stettner, one of the
   early Unix developers, used to give out fake licence plates
   bearing this motto under a large Unix, all in New Hampshire
   colours of green and white.  These are now valued collector's

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