Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
LETTER CARRIER. A person employed to carry letters from the post office to
the persons to whom they are addressed.
2. The act of congress of March 3, 1851, Statutes at Large of U. S. by
Minot, 591, directs, Sec. 10, That it shall be in the power of the
postmaster general, at all post offices where the postmaster's are appointed
by the president of the United States, to establish post routes within the
cities or towns, to provide for conveying letters to the post office by
establishing suitable and convenient places of deposit, and by employing
carriers to receive and deposit them in the post office; and at all such
offices it shall be in his power to cause letters to be delivered by
suitable carriers, to be appointed by him for that purpose, for which not
exceeding one or two cents shall be charged, to be paid by the person
receiving or sending the same, and all sums so received shall be paid into
the post office department: Provided, The amount of compensation allowed by
the postmaster general to carriers shall in no case exceed the amount paid
into the treasury by each town or city under the provisions of this section.
3. It is further enacted by c. xxi. s. 2, That the postmaster general
shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint letter carriers for the
delivery of letters from any post office in California or Oregon, and to
allow the letter carriers who may be appointed at any such post office to
demand and receive such sum for all letters, newspapers, or other mailable
matter delivered by them, as may be recommended by the postmaster for whose
office such letter carrier may be appointed, not exceeding five cents for
every letter, two cents for every newspaper, and two cents for every ounce
of other mailable matter and the postmaster general shall be, and he is
hereby, authorized to empower the special agents of the post office
department in California and Oregon to appoint such letter carriers in their
districts respectively, and to fix the rates of their compensation within
the limits aforesaid, subject to, and until the final action of, the
postmaster general thereon. And such appointments may be made, and rates of
compensation modified from time to time, as may be deemed expedient and the
rates of compensation may be fixed, and graduated in respect to the distance
of the place of delivery from the post office for which such carriers are
appointed, but the rate of compensation of any such letter carrier shall not
be changed after his appointment, except by the order of the postmaster
general; and such letter carriers shall be subject to the provisions of the
forty-first section of the act entitled "An Act to change the organization
of the post office, department, and to provide more effectually for the
settlement of the accounts thereof," approved July second, eighteen hundred
and thirty-six, except in cases otherwise provided for in this act.