Ledum palustre n 1: bog shrub of northern and central Europe and eastern Siberia to Korea and Japan [syn: {wild rosemary}, {marsh tea}, {Ledum palustre}]
Labrador \Lab`ra*dor"\, n. A region of British America on the Atlantic coast, north of Newfoundland. [1913 Webster] {Labrador duck} (Zool.), a sea duck ({Camtolaimus Labradorius}) allied to the eider ducks. It was formerly common on the coast of New England, but is now supposed to be extinct, no specimens having been reported since 1878. {Labrador feldspar}. See {Labradorite}. {Labrador tea} (Bot.), a name of two low, evergreen shrubs of the genus {Ledum} ({Ledum palustre} and {Ledum latifolium}), found in Northern Europe and America. They are used as tea in British America, and in Scandinavia as a substitute for hops. [1913 Webster]