
from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
LANGUIDUS, practice. The name of a return made by the sheriff, when a 
defendant whom he has taken by virtue of process is so dangerously sick that 
to remove him would endanger his life or health. In that case the officer 
may and ought unquestionably to abstain from removing him, and may permit 
him to remain even in his own house, in the custody of a follower, though 
not named in the warrant, he keeping the key of the house in his possession 
the officer ought to remove him as soon is sufficiently recovered. If there 
be a doubt as to the state of health of the defendant, the officer should 
require the attendance and advice of some respectable medical man, and 
require him, at the peril of the consequences of misrepresentation, to 
certify in writing whether it be fit to remove the party, or take him to 
prison within the county. 3 Chit. Pr. 358. For a form of the return of 
languidus, see 3 Chit. P. 249; T. Chit. Forms, 53. 

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