The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
(IEEE) The world's largest technical professional society,
based in the USA. Founded in 1884 by a handful of
practitioners of the new electrical engineering discipline,
today's Institute has more than 320,000 members who
participate in its activities in 147 countries. The IEEE
sponsors technical conferences, symposia and local meetings
worldwide, publishes nearly 25% of the world's technical
papers in electrical, electronics and computer engineering and
computer science, provides educational programs for its
members and promotes standardisation. Areas covered include
aerospace, computers and communications, biomedical
technology, electric power and consumer electronics.
{Gopher (gopher://}.
E-mail file-server: <[email protected]>.
IEEE Standards Process Automation (SPA) System
{telnet (} [].