Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
INELIGIBILITY. The incapacity to be lawfully elected.
2. This incapacity arises from various, causes, and a person may be
incapable of being elected to one office who may, be elected to another; the
incapacity may also be perpetual or temporary.
3.-1. Among perpetual inabilities may be reckoned, 1. The inability
of women to be elected to a public office. 2. Of citizens born in a foreign
country to be elected president of the United States.
4.-2. Among the temporary inabilities may be mentioned, 1. The
holding of an office declared by law to be incompatible with the one sought.
2. The non-payment of the taxes required by law. 3. The want of certain
property qualifications required by the constitution. 4. The want of age, or
being over the age required. Vide Eligibility. Incompatibility.