
from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)

   <networking> A {hypertext} database of publicly accessible
   {Internet} sites created and maintained by Peter Scott
   <[email protected]>.  Hytelnet currently lists over 1400
   sites, including Libraries, Campus-Wide Information Systems,
   {Gopher}, {WAIS}, {WWW} and {Freenets}.

   Hytelnet software is available for the {IBM PC}, {Macintosh},
   {Unix} and {VMS} systems.

   (ftp://ftp.usask.ca/pub/hytelnet) (  Telnet
   (telnet://access.usask.ca/), login: hytelnet.

   Mailing list: [email protected] (no subject, body:
   subscribe hytelnet FirstName LastName).


[email protected]