high performance fortran

from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
High Performance Fortran

   <language> (HPF) A {data parallel} language extension to
   {Fortran 90} which provides a portable programming interface
   for a wide variety of target {platforms}.  The original HPF
   language specification was produced by the High Performance
   Fortran Forum, a broad consortium of industry and academia,
   which met regularly throughout 1992 and early 1993.  HPF
   {compilers} are now available on most commonly-used computing
   systems, and users are beginning to gain first hand experience
   with this language.  The Forum has continued to meet in order
   to address advanced topics.

   HPF+ at Vienna (http://par.univie.ac.at/hpf+/).

   ["High Performance Fortran: Status Report", G.L. Steele Jr
   <[email protected]>, SIGPLAN Notices 28(1):1-4 (Jan 1993)].


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