has been

from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
80 Moby Thesaurus words for "has been":
      Methuselah, ago, antediluvian, antiquated, antique, back number,
      back-number, behind the times, blown over, by, bygone, bypast,
      conservative, dad, dated, dead, dead and buried, deceased, defunct,
      departed, dodo, elapsed, elder, expired, extinct, finished, fogy,
      forgotten, fossil, fud, fuddy-duddy, gone, gone glimmering,
      gone-by, granny, irrecoverable, lapsed, longhair, matriarch,
      mid-Victorian, mossback, no more, obsolete, old believer,
      old crock, old dodo, old fogy, old hat, old liner, old man,
      old poop, old woman, old-fashioned, old-timer, old-timey,
      oldfangled, out of fashion, out of season, out-of-date, outdated,
      outmoded, over, passe, passed, passed away, past, patriarch, pop,
      pops, reactionary, regular old fogy, relic, run out, square,
      starets, styleless, traditionalist, unfashionable, vanished,
      wound up


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