The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Hairsplitting \Hair"split`ting\ (-t[i^]ng), a.
Making excessively fine or trivial distinctions in reasoning;
overly subtle. -- n. The act or practice of making trivial
[1913 Webster]
The ancient hairsplitting technicalities of special
pleading. --Charles
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
119 Moby Thesaurus words for "hairsplitting":
adverse criticism, animadversion, aspersion, bad notices,
bad press, bickering, boggling, captious, captiousness, carping,
cavil, caviling, censoriousness, chicane, chicanery, choplogic,
contradistinction, critical, criticism, cynical, delicate,
demarcation, differentiation, distinction, distinctiveness,
distinguishment, division, dodging, equivocation, equivocatory,
evasion, evasive, exception, faultfinding, fencing, finespun, flak,
hairline, hedging, hit, home thrust, hostile criticism,
hypercritical, hypercriticalness, hypercriticism, hypersensitive,
hypersensitivity, imputation, knock, logic-chopping,
microscopic distinction, morbid sensibility, morbidly sensitive,
nagging, nice, nice distinction, niggle, niggling, nit,
nit-picking, nuance, obloquy, overconscientious,
overconscientiousness, overcritical, overcriticalness,
overfastidious, overfastidiousness, overmeticulous,
overmeticulousness, overnice, overniceness, overnicety,
overparticular, overparticularity, overprecise, overrefined,
overrefinement, overscrupulous, overscrupulousness, oversensitive,
oversensitivity, oversqueamish, oversqueamishness, paltering,
parrying, pestering, pettifoggery, pettifogging, petty, picayune,
prevarication, priggishness, pussyfooting, quibble, quibbling, rap,
refined, reflection, reproachfulness, segregation, separation,
shade of difference, shifting, shuffling, sidestepping, slam,
stricture, subterfuge, subtle, subtle distinction, swipe,
taking exception, tergiversation, trichoschistic, trichoschistism,
trifling, trivial, ultracritical
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