Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
113 Moby Thesaurus words for "guidance":
abetment, administration, admonition, advice, advisement, advising,
advocacy, aegis, auspices, authority, backing, briefing, care,
catechization, caution, caveat, championship, charge, charity,
coaching, command, conduct, consultation, control, council,
counsel, countenance, cure, custodianship, custody, didactics,
direction, edification, education, encouragement, enlightenment,
exhortation, expostulation, favor, fosterage, goodwill, governance,
government, guardianship, handling, hands, hortation, husbandry,
idea, illumination, information, instruction, interest,
jurisdiction, keeping, lead, leadership, leading, management,
managery, managing, manipulation, ministry, monition, opinion,
ordering, oversight, parley, pastorage, pastorate, pastorship,
patronage, pedagogics, pedagogy, pilotage, private teaching,
programmed instruction, proposal, protectorship, recommendation,
reeducation, regulation, remonstrance, rule, running, safe hands,
schooling, seconding, self-instruction, self-teaching, sponsorship,
spoon-feeding, steerage, steering, stewardship, suggestion,
sympathy, teaching, the conn, the helm, the wheel, thought,
tuition, tutelage, tutorage, tutoring, tutorship, ward, wardenship,
wardship, warning, watch and ward, wing
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