Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
61 Moby Thesaurus words for "graciously":
accommodatingly, affably, agreeably, amiably, amicably,
attentively, bigheartedly, blissfully, bonhomously, bounteously,
bountifully, cheerfully, chivalrously, civilly, complacently,
complaisantly, cordially, courteously, courtly, deferentially,
enjoyably, fair, freehandedly, freeheartedly, freely, gallantly,
generously, genially, good-humoredly, good-naturedly, gracefully,
gratifyingly, greatheartedly, handsomely, hospitably, in good part,
kindly, knightly, largeheartedly, lavishly, liberally, mannerly,
obligingly, openhandedly, openheartedly, pleasantly, pleasingly,
pleasurably, politely, profusely, respectfully, satisfyingly,
sweetly, ungrudgingly, unselfishly, unsparingly, unstintingly,
urbanely, with both hands, with open hands, without stint
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