functus offici

from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
FUNCTUS OFFICIO. This term is applied to something which once had life and 
power, but which now has no virtue whatsoever; as, for example, a warrant of 
attorney on which a judgment has been entered, is, functus officio, and a 
second judgment, cannot be entered by virtue of its authority. When 
arbitrators cannot agree and choose an umpire, they are said to be functi 
officio. Watts. on Arb. 94. If a bill of exchange be sent to the drawee, and 
he passes it to the credit of the holder, it is functus officio, and cannot 
be further negotiated. 5 Pick., 85. When an agent has completed the business 
with which he was entrusted,.his agency is functus officio. 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 

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