function point analysis

from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
Function Point Analysis

   <programming> (FPA) A standard metric for the relative size
   and complexity of a software system, originally developed by
   Alan Albrecht of {IBM} in the late 1970s.

   Functon points (FPs) can be used to estimate the relative size
   and complexity of software in the early stages of development
   - analysis and design.  The size is determined by identifying
   the components of the system as seen by the end-user: the
   inputs, outputs, inquiries, interfaces to other systems, and
   logical internal files.  The components are classified as
   simple, average, or complex.  All of these values are then
   scored and the total is expressed in Unadjusted FPs (UFPs).
   Complexity factors described by 14 general systems
   characteristics, such as reusability, performance, and
   complexity of processing can be used to weight the UFP.
   Factors are also weighted on a scale of 0 - not present, 1 -
   minor influence, to 5 - strong influence.  The result of these
   computations is a number that correlates to system size.

   Although the FP metric doesn't correspond to any actual
   physical attribute of a software system (such as {lines of
   code} or the number of subroutines) it is useful as a relative
   measure for comparing projects, measuring productivity, and
   estimating the amount a development effort and time needed for
   a project.

   See also {International Function Point Users Group}.


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