
from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
EXPERTS. From the Latin experti,which signifies, instructed by experience. 
Persons who are selected by the courts or the parties in a cause on account 
of their knowledge or skill, to examine, estimate, and ascertain things, and 
make a report of their opinions. Merl. Repert. mot Expert; 2 Lois des 
Batimens, 253; 2 N. S. 1 5 N.. S. 557; 3 L. R. 350; 11 L. R. 314 11 S. & R. 
336; Ray. Med. Jur. Prel. Views, Sec. 29; 3 Bouv. Inst. n. 3208. 

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