estimation of values

from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
ESTIMATION OF VALUES. As the value of most things is variable, according to 
circumstances, the law in many cases determines the time at which the value 
of a thing should be taken; thus, the value of an advancement, is to be 
taken at the time of the gift. 1 Serg. & R. 425. Of a gift in frank-
marriage, at the time of partition between the parceners, and the bringing 
of the gift in frank-marriage into hotchpot. But this is a case sui generis. 
Co. Lit. Sec. 273; 1 Serg. & R. 426. Of the yearly value of properties; at 
the time of partition. Tho. Co. Lit. 820. Of a bequest of so pieces of coin; 
at the time of the will made. Godolph, 0. L. 273, part 3, chap. 1. Sec. 3. 
Of assets to make lineal warranty a bar; at the time of the descent. Co. 
Lit. 374, b. Of lands warranted; at the time of the warranty. Beames' Glanv. 
75 n.; 2 Serg. & Rawle, 444, see Eviction 2. Of a ship lost at sea; her 
value is to be taken at the port from which she sailed, deducting one-fifth; 
2 Serg. & Rawle, 258; 1 Caines, 572; 2 Condy. Marshall, 545; but different 
rules prevail on this subject in different nations. 2 Serg. & R. 259. Of 
goods lost at sea; their value is to be taken at the port of delivery. 2 
Serg. & R. 257. The comparative value of a life estate, and the remainder in 
fee, is one-third for the life and two-thirds for the remainder in fee; and 
moneys due upon a mortgage of lands devised to one for life, and the 
remainder in fee to another, are to be apportioned by the same rule. 1 Vern. 
70; 1 Chit. Cas. 223, 224, 271; Francis' Max. 3, Sec. 12, and note. See 
Exchange, 3-2. 

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