emberiza hortulana

from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
Emberiza hortulana
    n 1: brownish Old World bunting often eaten as a delicacy [syn:
         {ortolan}, {ortolan bunting}, {Emberiza hortulana}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Ortolan \Or"to*lan\, n. [F., fr. It. ortolano ortolan, gardener,
   fr. L. hortulanus gardener, fr. hortulus, dim. of hortus
   garden. So called because it frequents the hedges of gardens.
   See {Yard} an inclosure, and cf. {Hortulan}.] (Zool.)
   (a) A European singing bird ({Emberiza hortulana}), about the
       size of the lark, with black wings. It is esteemed
       delicious food when fattened. Called also {bunting}.
   (b) In England, the wheatear ({Saxicola oenanthe}).
   (c) In America, the sora, or Carolina rail ({Porzana
       Carolina}). See {Sora}.
       [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Bunting \Bun"ting\, n. [Scot. buntlin, corn-buntlin, OE.
   bunting, buntyle; of unknown origin.] (Zool.)
   A bird of the genus {Emberiza}, or of an allied genus,
   related to the finches and sparrows (family
   [1913 Webster]

   Note: Among European species are the common or corn bunting
         ({Emberiza miliaria}); the ortolan ({Emberiza
         hortulana}); the cirl ({Emberiza cirlus}); and the
         black-headed ({Granitivora melanocephala}). American
         species are the bay-winged or grass ({Po["o]c[ae]tes
         gramineus} or {Po[oe]cetes gramineus}); the
         black-throated ({Spiza Americana}); the towhee bunting
         or chewink ({Pipilo}); the snow bunting ({Plectrophanax
         nivalis}); the rice bunting or bobolink, and others.
         See {Ortolan}, {Chewick}, {Snow bunting}, {Lark
         [1913 Webster] Bunting

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