dynamic html

from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
Dynamic HTML

   <language, World-Wide Web> (DHTML) The addition of
   {JavaScript} to {HTML} to allow web pages to change and
   interact with the user without having to communicate with the
   server.  JavaScript allows the behaviour of the page to be
   controlled by code that is downloaded with the HTML.  It does
   this by manipulating the {Document Object Model} (DOM).

   The term DHTML is often also taken to include the use of
   "style" information to give finer control of HTML layout.  The
   style information can be supplied as {Cascading Style Sheets}
   (CSS) or as "style" attributes (which can be manipulated by
   JavaScript).  Layers are often also used with DHTML.

   Both the JavaScript and style data can be included in the HTML
   file or in a separate file referred to from the HTML.  Some
   web browsers allow other languages (e.g. {VBScript} or {Perl})
   to be used instead of JavaScript but this is less common.

   DHTML can be viewed in {Internet Explorer} 4+, {Firefox} and
   {Netscape} Communicator 4+ but, as usual, Microsoft disagree
   on how DHTML should be implemented.  The {Document Object
   Model} Group of the {World Wide Web Consortium} is developing
   standards for DHTML.



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